أَلَمْ يَأْنِ لِلَّذِينَ آمَنُوا أَن تَخْشَعَ قُلُوبُهُمْ لِذِكْرِ اللَّهِ وَمَا نَزَلَ مِنَ الْحَقِّ
Alam yani lillatheena amanoo an takhshaAAa quloobuhum lithikri Allahi wama nazala mina alhaqqi
Belumkah datang waktunya bagi orang-orang yang beriman, untuk tunduk hati mereka mengingat Allah dan kepada kebenaran yang telah turun (kepada mereka)
Has not the Time arrived for the Believers that their hearts in all humility should engage in the remembrance of Allah and of the Truth which has been revealed (to them)
[Al Hadiid (57) - verse 16 -]