The Palestine Issue
In the Name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate
This is an assurance of peace and protection given by the servant of Allah Omar, Commander of the Believers to the people of Ilia' (Jerusalem). He gave them an assurance of protection for their lives, property, church and crosses as well as the sick and healthy and all its religious community.
Their churches shall not be occupied, demolished nor taken away wholly or in part. None of their crosses nor property shall be seized. They shall not be coerced in their religion nor shall any of them be injured. None of the Jews shall reside with them in Ilia'.
The people of Ilia shall pay Jizia tax (head tax on free non-Muslims living under Muslim rule) as inhabitants of cities do. They shall evict all Romans and thieves.
He whoever gets out shall be guaranteed safety for his life and property until he reach his safe haven. He whoever stays shall be (also) safe, in which case he shall pay as much tax as the people of Ilia' do. Should any of the people of Ilia wish to move together with his property along with the Romans and to clear out of their churches and crosses, they shall be safe for their lives, churches and crosses, until they have reached then safe haven. He whoever chooses to stay he may do so and he shall pay as much tax as the people of Ilia' do. He whoever wishes to move along with the Roman, may do so, and whoever wishes to return back home to his kinsfolk, may do so. Nothing shall be taken from them, their crops have been harvested. To the contents of this convent here are given the Covenant of Allah, the guarantees of His Messenger, the Caliphs and the Believers, provided they (the people of Ilia') pay their due Jizia tax.
Witnesses hereto are:
Khalid Ibn al-Waleed
Amr Ibn al-Ass
Abdul-Rahman Ibn'Auf
Mu'awiya Ibn abi-Sifian
Made and executed in the year 15 AH.
2. The Balfour Declaration
Foreign Office
November 2nd, 1917
Dear Lord Rothschild,
I have much pleasure in conveying to you, on behalf of His Majesty's Government, the following declaration of sympathy with Jewish Zionist aspirations which has been submitted to, and approved by, the Cabinet.
"His Majesty's Government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country."
I should be grateful if you would bring this declaration to the knowledge of the Zionist Federation.
Yours sincerely,
Arthur James Balfour
3. Ibn Saud gave an American journalist an interview in which he expressed his views on the issue of Palestine:
"I have not until now made known to Arabs my opinion on the question of Palestine, in order to avoid placing them at the present time in a critical position with the Allies. But I should like to explain my views, so that you can inform our friends, the American people. First, I do not know that the Jews have any justification for their claims in Palestine on the grounds that for centuries before the mission of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) Palestine was Jewish land. The Romans had conquered the Jews, killing and scattering them so that no trace of their rule remained. The Arabs conquered Palestine over 1,300 years ago, freeing it from the Romans, and since that time it has remained Muslim. The Jews therefore have no right to the country, because all countries in the world have been conquered by people who have made undisputed homes in such lands. If we were to follow the Jewish theory, many of the settled people of the world would have to leave their homes."
4. Interview given by Ibn Saud on Palestine question
"Secondly, I am not afraid either of the Jews or of their having a State or authority in Arab countries or anywhere else because of what the good God told us by the tongue of his prophet in his Holy Book; but I see that the Jews' insistence on Palestine cannot be justified:
a) because it is unjust to the Arabs and the Muslims, and
b) because it creates only friction between the Muslims and their friends, the Allies.
"If the Jews need a place in which to live there are countries in Europe, America, and elsewhere that are larger, more fertile, and more convenient to their interests. This is justice and there is no use in facing the Allies and the Muslims with a problem from which neither will profit. As for the old Jewish inhabitants of Palestine, it is my opinion that the Arabs will agree with their friends, the Allies, on preserving their interests, provided that the Jews do not behave in a manner calculated to provoke trouble and disturbance, and will give an assurance guaranteed by the Allies, that they will not strive by their great financial power to buy up the Arabs' properties, which are their very life; this would mean loss and harm to the natives of Palestine, causing poverty and dissolution which would only create another problem."
This interview was published in The Times in London on June 30th, 1943.
5. Ibn Saud meets American President Roosevelt
When Roosevelt broached the issue of Palestine, Ibn Saud was uncompromising. Why should the Palestinians be expected to atone for the sins of the Germans? Why should the United States look to its friends rather than to its enemies to make reparations for the crimes of its enemies?
Despite the differences of view, the meeting was conducted throughout with courtesy, with both men showing respect for each other's customs. President Roosevelt was impressed by the simple clarity with which Ibn Saud presented the Arab case. He gave two undertakings to Ibn Saud; first that he would do nothing to assist the Jews against the Arabs in Palestine and, secondly, that he would never do anything to harm the Arab people. He promised that the United States Government would not make any changes to its policy on Palestine without prior consultation with both the Arabs and the Jews.
These verbal assurances were confirmed in a letter, dated April 5th, 1945, in which Roosevelt made it clear that he was committing himself, not as an individual, but as "Chief of the Executive Branch" of the United States Government.
6. Letter From President Roosevelt to King Ibn Saud, April 5, 1945
I have received the communication which Your Majesty sent me under date of March 10, 1945, in which you refer to the question of Palestine and to the continuing interest of the Arabs in current developments affecting that country.
I am gratified that Your Majesty took this occasion to bring your views on this question to my attention and I have given the most careful attention to the statements which you make in your letter. I am also mindful of the memorable conversation which we had not so long ago and in the course of which I had an opportunity to obtain so vivid an impression of Your Majesty's sentiments on this question.
Your Majesty will recall that on previous occasions I communicated to you the attitude of the American Government toward Palestine and made clear our desire that no decision be taken with respect to the basic situation in that country without full consultation with both Arabs and Jews. Your Majesty will also doubtless recall that during our recent conversation I assured you that I would take no action, in my capacity as Chief of the Executive Branch of this Government, which might prove hostile to the Arab people.
It gives me pleasure to renew to Your Majesty the assurances which you have previously received regarding the attitude of my Government and my own, as Chief Executive, with regard to the question of Palestine and to inform you that the policy of this Government in this respect is unchanged.
I desire also at this time to send you my best wishes for Your Majesty's continued good health and for the welfare of your people.
Your Good Friend,
His Majesty
King of Saudi Arabia
Department of State Bulletin of October 21, 1945, p. 623.
7. President Truman disavows Roosevelt's promises to Ibn Saud
Despite State Department reports of the widespread anger in the Arab world provoked by his pro-Zionist policies, President Truman did not hesitate to revoke Roosevelt's promises to Ibn Saud on Palestine with the words:
"I'm sorry, gentlemen, but I have to answer to hundreds of thousands who are anxious for the success of Zionism; I do not have hundreds of thousands of Arabs among my constituents."
With these words, President Truman betrayed the commitment of his predecessor, made on behalf of the United States, and prepared the soil for decades of instability and, at times war, in the Middle East.
Jangan Didik Anakmu...
Bahwa kekuatan dan keperkasaan adalah segalanya
Ajari dia untuk mencintai dan menerima dirinya apa adanya
Jangan didik anakmu laki-laki
Untuk mengejar kehormatan dan kekuasaan
Ajari dia untuk mengejar cinta kasih dan kebijaksanaan
Jangan larang anakmu laki-laki jika ia menangis
Dan jangan katakan padanya bahwa laki-laki tak boleh cengeng
Ajari dia untuk mengenali dan menerima perasaannya
Bahwa air mata adalah anugerah Tuhan yang indah
Sehingga ia belajar untuk tidak frustasi oleh emosinya
Dan jika dewasa ia telah belajar untuk hidup dengan seutuhnya
Jangan didik anakmu perempuan
Bagaimana menjadi cantik
Ajari dia untuk mencintai dan menerima dirinya apa adanya
Jangan didik anakmu perempuan
Bagaimana untuk menyenangkan laki-laki
Ajari dia untuk menyenangkan hati Tuhan
Jangan larang anakmu perempuan
Jika ia menikmati melompat, berlari, dan memanjat
Jika ia suka menjelajah dan mengutak-atik benda-benda
Jangan kaupaksa dia untuk duduk manis diam dan tenang
Karena jiwanya yang ingin bebas jadi dirinya sendiri
Dan juga rasa ingin tahunya yang telah Tuhan anugerahkan
Telah kaubonsai dan kaurusak sejak dini
Isilah rumahmu
Dengan cinta, hikmat, dan kebijaksanaan
Bukan dengan harta, keindahan tubuh, gelar, dan kekuasaan
Bagikanlah kepada anakmu laki-laki dan perempuan
Keindahan menikmati mentari pagi
Kehangatan rasa ketika menggenggam pasir
Kemesraan seekor kupu-kupu hinggap di atas bunga
Dan merdunya suara tetes-tetes hujan
Jika kau ingin anakmu rajin beribadah
Gemakan keberadaan Tuhan dalam dirimu
Ia takkan bisa kaupaksa berdoa dan sembahyang
Ketika dia tak dapat menangkap makna ibadah darimu
Jika kau ingin anakmu mencintai pengetahuan
Pancarkan rasa ingin terus belajar
Nasihatmu tak akan bisa membuatnya mau membaca
Ketika dia tak pernah menyaksikan engkau menikmati buku
Jika kau ingin anakmu penuh kasih
Tunjukkan cinta kasihmu kepadanya dan sesama
Kata-kata saja tidak akan mempan membuatnya mengasihi
Jika ia tak pernah merasakan cinta darimu
Untuk anakmu
Engkau adalah teladan yang utama
Tak perlu banyak kata, tiada perlu jutaan nasihat
Jika kau ingin anakmu hidup seperti yang kauinginkan
Hiduplah demikian!
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Tetralogi Laskar Pelangi
Laskar Pelangi
Cerita terjadi di desa Gantung, Gantung, Belitung Timur. Dimulai ketika sekolah Muhammadiyah terancam akan dibubarkan oleh Depdikbud Sumsel jikalau tidak mencapai siswa baru sejumlah 10 anak. Ketika itu baru 9 anak yang menghadiri upacara pembukaan, akan tetapi tepat ketika Pak Harfan, sang kepala sekolah, hendak berpidato menutup sekolah, Harun dan ibunya datang untuk mendaftarkan diri di sekolah kecil itu.
Dari sanalah dimulai cerita mereka. Mulai dari penempatan tempat duduk, pertemuan mereka dengan Pak Harfan, perkenalan mereka yang luar biasa di mana A Kiong yang malah cengar-cengir ketika ditanyakan namanya oleh guru mereka, Bu Mus. Kejadian bodoh yang dilakukan oleh Borek, pemilihan ketua kelas yang diprotes keras oleh Kucai, kejadian ditemukannya bakat luar biasa Mahar, pengalaman cinta pertama Ikal, sampai pertaruhan nyawa Lintang yang mengayuh sepeda 80 km pulang pergi dari rumahnya ke sekolah.
Mereka, Laskar Pelangi - nama yang diberikan Bu Muslimah akan kesenangan mereka terhadap pelangi - pun sempat mengharumkan nama sekolah dengan berbagai cara. Misalnya pembalasan dendam Mahar yang selalu dipojokkan kawan-kawannya karena kesenangannya pada okultisme yang membuahkan kemenangan manis pada karnaval 17 Agustus, dan kejeniusan luar biasa Lintang yang menantang dan mengalahkan Drs. Zulfikar, guru sekolah kaya PN yang berijazah dan terkenal, dan memenangkan lomba cerdas cermat. Laskar Pelangi mengarungi hari-hari menyenangkan, tertawa dan menangis bersama. Kisah sepuluh kawanan ini berakhir dengan kematian ayah Lintang yang memaksa Einstein cilik itu putus sekolah dengan sangat mengharukan, dan dilanjutkan dengan kejadian 12 tahun kemudian di mana Ikal yang berjuang di luar pulau Belitong kembali ke kampungnya. Kisah indah ini diringkas dengan kocak dan mengharukan oleh Andrea Hirata, kita bahkan bisa merasakan semangat masa kecil anggota sepuluh Laskar Pelangi ini.
Sang Pemimpi
Dalam Sang Pemimpi, Andrea bercerita tentang kehidupan ketika masa-masa SMA. Tiga tokoh utamanya adalah Ikal, Arai dan Jimbron.Ikal- alter egonya Andrea Hirata.Arai-saudara jauh yang yatim piatu dan akhirnya menjadi saudara angkat dan Jimbron-seorang yatim piatu yang terobsesi dengan kuda dan gagap bila sedang antusias terhadap sesuatu atau ketika gugup.
Ketiganya larut dalam kisah persahabatan yang terjalin dari kecil sampai mereka bersekolah di SMA Negeri Bukan Main, SMA pertama yang berdiri di Belitung bagian timur. Bersekolah di pagi hari dan bekerja sebagai kuli di pelabuhan ikan pada dini hari.Hidup mandiri terpisah dari orang tua dengan latar belakang kondisi ekonomi yang sangat terbatas namun punya cita-cita besar , sebuah cita-cita yang bila dilihat dari latar belakang kehidupan mereka, hanyalah sebuah mimpi.
Berbeda dengan setting cerita Laskar Pelangi dan Sang Pemimpi, Edensor mengambil setting di luar negeri saat tokoh-tokoh utamanya, Ikal dan Arai mendapat beasiswa dari Uni Eropa untuk kuliah S2 di Perancis. Dalam Edensor, Andrea tetap dengan ciri khasnya, menulis kisah ironi menjadi parodi dan menertawakan kesedihan dengan balutan pandangan intelegensia tentang culture shock ketika kedua tokoh utama tersebut yang berasal dari pedalaman Melayu di Pulau Belitong tiba-tiba berada di Paris. Mimpi-mimpi untuk menjelajah Eropa sampai Afrika dan menemukan keterkaitan yang tak terduga dari peristiwa-peristiwa dari masa lalu mereka berdua.Dan pencarian akan cinta sejati menjadi motivasi yang menyemangati penjelajahan mereka dari bekunya musim dingin di daratan Rusia di Eropa sampai panas kering di gurun Sahara.
Maryamah Karpov
Keberanian dan keteguhan hati telah membawa ikal pada banyak tempat dan peristiwa. Sudut-sudut dunia telah dia kunjungi A Ling. Apa pun ikal lakukan demi perempuan itu. Keberaniannya ditantang ketika tanda-tanda keberadaan A Ling tampak. Dia tetap mencari, meski tanda-tanda itu masih samar. Dapatkah keduanya bertemu kembali? Novel ini menceritakan semua hal tentang Laskar Pelangi, A Ling, Arai, Lintang, dan beberapa tokoh dalam cerita sebelumnya. Tetap dengan sihir kata-katanya, Anda akan dibawa Andrea pada kisah yang menakjubkan sekaligus mengharukan